Tuesday, October 28, 2014

"Put your arms around me, what you feel is what you are…Zen Things.

"put your arms around me
what you feel is what you are
what you are is beautiful " 
-Goo Goo Dolls

Naked Truth 
Are you there Goddess?  
It's me,  Maricarmen Anoja Kaluaratchi 

I think I'm really starting to get it. 
All the years of pushing my being into one direction or the other,  for one purpose or another,  to take advantage of , worship and or abuse in one way or another, None of my selfish or selfless endeavors ever involved the lack of appreciation for my skin.  Blessed I am to have the melding genes of my European and Southeast Asian ancestors. I'll plainly state that I've attached vanity to my blessing and have even called it beautiful.
How perfect the poetry is of developing a blood cancer that presents itself in the skin.  
Anywhere it wants to. 
This photo is the naked truth.  
I am a seed. 
No makeup, touchups, or coverups.  
Look there. Lower right.  That's a tattoo of modern medicine measuring about 4 inches in diameter .  
I'm starting to get it. 
Where is the real beauty?  
And can I see it beyond the burns?


Welcome to Zen Things.  

Copy and Carry with you.  
Zen Things.  
All will fall 
gently into place.


SEEKER:   Know the source of your supplements and herbs.  The best intentions will NOT negate the harmful  effects of ingesting substandard or even toxic "vitamins" .   I used to throw the whole kitchen sink of holistic remedies at myself- Not anymore.  My wellness cabinet is shrinking in supply but increasing in quality and purity.  I've narrowed it down to:

Gaia Herbs : GAIA HERBS
Bach Flower Essences : SEED TO BLOSSOM
KIND Organics Vegan Supplements : Kind Organics Vegan Supplements

And have found this article and video from the New York Times a good place to start: New York Times /Video

Do you have a brand you've researched and swear by? A company you feel confident recommending?  Please share.

MAKER: Seasonal Deliciousness from darlingmagazine.org


Peace. Love. Light.  Come find me at  INSPIRED SHAKTI.  inspiredshakti.com